Monday, September 15, 2014

sept oct 2014

Benefit auction is Saturday Sept 27 at 6pm at the Long Beach Hilton Hotel  710 Ocean Blvd, Long Beach

These are both mandatory events (tonight and the auction on Sept 27.)

Upcoming events:

Monday Sept 29  Parent meeting at the council for Wohelo orientation 6pm at the council

Sat Oct 18 Fall Halloween Carnival  4-7pm

Monday Oct 20 Bingo night neighborhood get together at Millikan cafe 5:30pm, dinner is provided, we potluck dessert

Monday Oct 27 our FIRST meeting of the year!! Pumpkin Carving at my house (7140 Killdee street) 6pm, bring all your supplies and pumpkin

Wasewagan weekend retreat for Horizon club is Feb 27-March 1 (3 days) DEPOSIT IS DUE NOVEMBER 15 ($20) which holds your spot and obligates you to pay the full amount by Jan 31. Total cost is $92 per person. I will be attending this event, another parent would be helpful if you want to go with me to help drive (Janet?)

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Sunday, June 1, 2014

End of year wrap up 2014

DCA training is tomorrow night at the council (Monday June 2) from 5:30 to 7:30pm. Make sure to bring the food item you signed up for, proper attire, watch and notebook with a pen or pencil.

Our ropes/challenge course event is next Sunday June 8 from noon to 4pm at Camp Shiwaka. The fee is 20$ per child, we have enough to offset that cost by half so please bring 10$ and I will write a check from our kitty for the other 10$, the price was higher than I expected. I have the registration forms for next fall, please meet with me at this event and sign the papers so I can schedule a time with camp fire to register our group for next year. I plan on being there a little early to meet with any parents who are just dropping kids off. The registration fee is still $20 and there will be a form to fill out if you want to purchase new shirts for the girls.

Our final get together is Monday June 9, very loose and relaxed bonfire at Bolsa Chica beach fire rings. I think it would be easiest if everyone brings their own take out dinner to eat, chairs to sit on, towels in case the kids get a little wet. I will provide the s'more fixings, firewood and bottled water. You can bring your own drinks if you want as well. I will be there by 5 to get a fire ring and will text and email everyone with the number we are at. Get there when you can.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

April to June 2014

Next meeting is Monday March 31 at Elise's house, we will be doing a creative writing activity.

Thursday April 3rd if any of the girls could meet at my house at 5:15 and talk with another younger group at 5:30 about going to Wintaka, I would love to have them! They will be served pizza if that helps :) the leader lives on my street so we can just walk over at 5:30.

Dca training starts Monday April 7th and continues into June

Monday April 28 scrapbook meeting at Jessica's house. Please bring a scrapbook and photos, i will have lots of paper and supplies, feel free to bring your own memorabilia as well. it might be fun to add things from past meetings, camp etc that you might have been saving.

Saturday May 3  walk at the Peter and Mary Muth Interpretive Center  We will meet at the parking lot at 10am and take a tour of the center, watch a movie and then take a walk around the back bay. this is a gorgeous amazing place! i can take a few kids with me too.

Grand Council Fire is Sunday May 4th: WEAR YOUR GOWNS if you have it and collars please.

Spring Camp Out is Friday May 16-17, I have your pancake breakfast tickets, let me know ASAP if you plan on sleeping over that night. We need to plan our dinner and sleeping arrangements. If I dont know you are coming there might not be enough food or a place for you to sleep. last year was a bit crazy, so please let me know.

Last meeting of the year is Monday June 9th, currently at Charlene's house. I was thinking it might be fun this year to have a potluck at the beach or something where everyone can come and celebrate together. Let me know what you guys think.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

candy sales, up coming events 2014

We have a discovery event this Friday Jan 10 6pm to 8pm. Make sure you RSVP so they have enough food for you. 

Monday Jan 13 is Candy Sale Kick off at Millikan Cafeteria. 5:45 to 8pm. Please let me know if you can bring a Main Dish, salad, dessert, paper goods or bottled water (reply all so everyone can see). I will have the sign ups for the candy sale sights for you to sign up at the kick off. Please be in uniform (Dark Blue polo shirt, there are new shirts and jackets available at camp fire and on line) 

I am picking up the candy this Saturday Jan 11 at 10:30 am, will be back home by 11:30 if you could come by and get your candy around noon that would be awesome. I don't have much room to store it. If you can't get it then, let me know when you can so I make sure I am home.  Remember to drop off money to me once a week so I can deposit each Tuesday. I will have tables, chairs and the candy sale box available in front of my house when the sale starts (look for the Tanda sticker since I will also have Rocket Cat supplies out as well). We need a couple new nice red table clothes if anyone has one or two to donate to the group to use? Please drop off the tables/supplies immediately after each sale, don't take it home because someone else might need it. Let me know if you need more sale dates or candy, I can go get more sights as many times as you guys need, just let me know. 

Ivy, Charlene: I need a place for Jan 27th meeting and March 10, can you each do one? Let me know, thanks!

Jan 27th meeting we will work on the Sparks Project you will learn about at the Discovery Club meetings on Fridays. You need a photograph of your Spark Champion so start working on that now. 

Candy sales run from Jan 17 to Feb 16th. Please deposit all money to me by Feb 16 so I can make my final deposit the following Tuesday. We don't want to be late with deposits or we will lose money. 

We will be scheduling a get together to make our GOWNS!! can you believe it! super exciting!! I will keep you posted.