Saturday, August 15, 2015

upcoming events fall 2015

Info about upcoming wetlands events.

Saturday November 7  10:30 to 12:30  Los Cerritos Wetlands Habitat Restoration

Gentle Barn visit: Saturday November 21 11 am, meet at McDonalds near Camp Fire for a quick breakfast 8:30am

Please finish your 2 DCA reflection papers, paper on the history of camp fire (pass the wo he lo camp fire history book around to each other asap), finish the torch bearer (i handed out all the requirements, let's get it done)

Attend all Horizon Club meetings and events, sign up to help, try to get an officer/chair position if possible.

Find a mentor for your wo he lo project (Nancy, Marci or Georgia for example) or someone in your life that is an inspiration to you. Remember, your wo he lo project should reflect an interest you have, something you want to achieve, an organization you want to help etc. It can be Camp Fire or it can be something else entirely.

Sept 17 HC parent booster meeting 7pm at the council
Sept 21 HC meeting 5:30 (turn in paperwork and dues)
Sept 24  Kiniya 7pm at the council
Sept 28 WoHeLo orientation meeting 6pm (kids and parents)
Oct 4 HC meeting 5:30
Oct 10 HC tree tending 9am to noon
Oct 17 Halloween Carnival
Oct 19 Bingo Night
Oct 26 Benefit auction training 5pm
Nov 2 HC meeting 5:30
Nov 7   Los Cerritos Wetlants 10:30 to 12:30  AND Benefit Auction 6:00pm

Saturday, June 6, 2015

End of year Beach Breakfast

We really enjoyed our breakfast down at the beach, thank you for another wonderful year girls!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

May/June and on in to Fall

Next event is DCA training on Saturday May 30 9 to 2pm (mandatory, please make sure you get to this training)

Horizon Club meeting Monday June 1, 5:30 to 7:30pm

Hoodies and Crew neck sweatshirts: Camp fire has FINALLY got an order form for new hoodies and sweatshirts, the order must be in by June 5th, cost is $31.17 for the hoodie and $23.98 for the crew neck sweatshirt (plus tax s/h).  I need you to put a check in an envelope with the info on the outside: Name, Size (adult S, M, L, XL, 1XL, 2XL), Hoodie or Crew neck and get this to me ASAP. I plan on turning in the order form on Monday June 1.

Registration is here again, cost is $20 per person including leader and co-leader. Charlene will be stepping in as my new co-leader, Christine has been too busy with added work responsibilities so we are finally letting her take a break :)

I was hoping to schedule an end of year get together to wind up this school year, we can do this at a house or meet for food somewhere. We could go over the registration paperwork at that time. Breakfast at the beach (Rivers end cafe is one we like) might be a fun idea on a weekend morning (maybe Sunday May 31, Saturday June 6 or Saturday June 20?) Parents and siblings could join us, we could spread out over a few tables and if we go early (8am), should be easy to get in together.

Unfortunately Camp Wintaka filled up before Lauren and Ella could get signed up, we knew it was filling up fast but no one thought this would happen. In the future, please consider signing up for events ASAP, just get the deposit in quickly to hold your spot. There is a larger than usual group of 9th and 10th grade girls that will be signing up for events and I would hate for this to happen again. I have encouraged Lauren to write a letter to the council regarding how important Wintaka is to her and I think letters from Ella and the rest of her group might sway the council to open up another cabin for them (and at least 3 other girls on the wait list). You could write what it feels like to be missing several of your group members who you have gone to camp with every year since starting camp fire, a little begging might be good as well :) We are hoping they will see how important going to camp is to our group and find a solution so they can go, fingers crossed!!

In the summer: I will host a weekend get away for our group at our cabin, most likely in August. I hope everyone can make it, more details on that to come soon. The Gentle Barn next available visit is Sunday August 2, let me know if this date will work for you so I can keep it on the calendar, 10am to noon with about a one hour drive each way. This will be an amazing experience!!

In the fall: we will continue to work on our wo he lo packets and be 100% done with our torch bearer. I plan on spending a tiny bit of time up at our cabin on the torch bearer, it would be a great opportunity to get it done. Please continue working on the reflections, dca reflection (you need one for 2014 and another for 2015), torch bearer (look over the copy I gave you and try and check some things off this summer) and KEEP EVERYTHING (example: a pancake breakfast ticket, grand council fire program, flyers and hand outs from any service projects we go on, photos from events, DCA mementos and paperwork, anything that can be used as scrapbook material for your wo he lo book. I have extras of many items and will have them available to you to take at future meetings) At our cabin I have scrapbooking supplies for the girls to decorate some pages and time to write down some of their experiences. It will be a really nice place to do some reflecting and we will enjoy fresh air, lots of food and hours of movie watching (of course some hikes around the mountain too). We will attend at least one wetlands event  if we did not visit the Gentle Barn, we will do it during the school year.
Finally, the girls will finalize their indian name and make their indian symbol gram to put on their gown, I have all the supplies ready to go so one of our first get together's next year can be working on that.
I have heard that the more wo he lo workbook assignments you get done in freshman and sophomore year, the easier it is to focus on the actual wo he lo project in junior and senior years. We are definitely on the right track, good job girls!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Spring 2015

Upcoming events:

Neighborhood Potluck and Cake auction Monday March 23 at Millikan cafeteria, 5:30pm Cake theme is toys.

Horizon Club meeting March 30th: Blue books are due (please get them signed off before the meeting if possible)  5:30 to 7:30  DCA paperwork and payment is due. DCA training.

Wohelo meeting at Heuer House Saturday April 18 10am to noon. We will spend time writing and finishing up as much as we can for our torch bearer and wo he lo freshman requirements. Please bring your wohelo binder and Horizon Club paperwork.

Grand Council Fire Sunday May 3,  7pm.
  Horizon Desire
As horizons are ever changing and always distant
I shall not stand still and look into their purple shadows
Instead, I shall seek the higher purposes and new adventures that lie beyond.
I shall reach ever outward to the horizon that is always just beyond my grasp.

Monday May 4 Horizon Club meeting, DCA training.

Saturday May 9 Los Cerritos Wetlands restoration and nature walk 10am to noon.

Friday May 15, Spring Camp out (let me know if a parent wants to run this event) Saturday May 16 is pancake breakfast

*****Saturday May 30  DCA training 9 to 2pm *******************

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Wo he lo meetings

We will have another wo he lo meeting at grounds in March/April (date tba)

Assignment:  complete DCA reflection paper (write about your first DCA experience, must be two pages in length, lots of details, how you felt, expectations, disappointments, what you learned, describe the experience in as much detail as you can remember) If you didn't DCA or were in the silver shed, write about that experience too.

Torch Bearer: We took notes for several assignments you can start writing up and working on this month. If you were given an assignment (talk with Fitness 19, 24 hour fitness etc) do this before our next meeting. Start collecting magazine/online articles on health, well being, fitness and style (haircuts, fashion etc). I will have copies of the Torch Bearer requirements and worksheet at the next meeting.

We will be setting up a meeting at a hair salon and mani/pedi trip!!

History of Camp Fire: I am xeroxing and gathering extra copies of the camp fire history book for our next meeting. Plan on taking notes and writing this paper up after next meeting.

We will be doing a wetlands service project along with a project for a local animal rescue group, details to come.

Continue to document all hours worked in Horizon club, collect all papers and ANYTHING you get and keep it all together in your folder. We will decorate new book bags at the next wo he lo meeting.