Tuesday, March 17, 2009

camp shiwaka, camp wintaka

we will be attending session 2 of camp shiwaka this summer, June 22-26

i signed emily up to reserve our spot so you can start signing up asap.

camp wintaka is july 20-25, last year emily, danica and margaret went. isabella is hoping to go this year to keep in touch with all her cubberley friends. you can pay a 100 dollar deposit with the balance due june 1st (this is what i will be doing) also, there is a lot of money sitting in a campership fund that is specific to camp wintaka. many alumni donate money for kids to go to sleep away camp because they know how important it is so please fill out a form if you think it will be hard for you to pay. i am going to look into it myself, this has been a hard year for everyone. dont let finances hold you back if your daughter wants to go. last year much of the money wasnt used and last minute calls were made out for kids to go free! if your paperwork is in, there is a good chance camp fire can help you. look at it this way: they need a full camp to keep it open, they need lots of kids to go so you are HELPING the council if you use the campership money, rather than keeping your child home when they want to go. does that make sense? just fill it out soon, not last minute please.

i sent home the 99 year birthday patch requirements to the girls who came last night, check their bags if you want to double check the requirements. i will be ordering the patches after the ice cream social on sunday march 29th, its a one time only patch so fill out the form and turn it in to me so i can make sure your daughter gets the patch and the purple bead. the girls are excited for this new color bead! (i have more forms, you can get them at the next meeting as well)

we are working on our "trail seeker" emblem for the next two months so meetings will be more structured and curriculum focused. i am still working on the best way to get everyone to earn the trail patch, the beads and the patches that correspond to the beads. i know the girls just want to have fun so i wont labor the issue. i will just post notes here for parents to keep track, if you are interested. in ADVENTURE level, we earn a patch that represents the entire year, the trail seeker patch for grade 3. the girls will need 3 beads of each color to fulfill part of this requirement. i need parents to periodically check the beads your daughter has and if you notice she is lacking a color (red, blue, yellow, brown, green) then its up to you to let me know and/or go through the bead book to make up whatever meetings were missed. at the grand council fire, the girls will be given their trail seeker patch, several emblems that correspond to the beads earned and some beads. i think they will be excited to see how much they have earned this year.

meet and greet this sunday, march 22nd at the church 845am or 10am shifts (shirley is adamant the girls are dressed appropriately, please try to clean them up and put their uniforms on as well, thanks!!) drop off cookies if you want to donate and not attend.

next meeting is going to be a "learn about camp fire's history" meeting with special guests: ME (ha ha), my mom, anne marie and her mom. jessica and amber mentioned they each know a fellow camp fire member and if they or anyone has someone who would be interested in coming and sharing with us, let me know! should be fun! this fulfills a portion of the trail seeker patch.

thanks again for all who made it out see dallas, it was "interesting" and fun! there is another author and artist coming on Jan 29th with a writing and art contest. if you are interested, check the once upon a story blog. (it starts at 3 so you would be finished with the ice-cream social)

march 29th ice cream social at the council 1-3pm. bring ice cream and toppings as you would for a potluck. let me know what you will be bringing. this fulfills a requirement for the 99th birthday patch.

no meeting march 30th.

tentatively: meetings every monday in april except for spring break week.


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