Saturday, September 27, 2008

starting a new year!

camp fire meeting sept 29th 6pm Monday
same old time, same old place (at the church)

bring a plain canvas bag and your workbook, bring workbooks to every meeting please (large canvas bag if possible).

i have several workbooks that havent been picked up, i will bring them.

i made a camp fire block stamp for us to use, let me know if you guys want to do this as a craft (each girl can make their own unique stamp). it costs about 12 dollars for the kit but you can use the cutting tool for other stamps. i would love it if we could do this as a craft together. the cost (12 dollars) is too high to take from the kitty, but if everyone buys their own we could do it sometime soon.

thank you to everyone who came to the cubberley recruitment night, i am working on something big right now that will benefit our group and cubberley too, hoping it works out! details later!

linda and i had fun at tincher with emily and sage (sorry the only photo that came out was of lizzie!)

see everyone monday.

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