Tuesday, August 31, 2010

coming up

First meeting of the year is September 13th, 6pm at the church (i still need to confirm with the church that we can continue to meet there, i will send out emails if the location has changed)

Saturday Sept 18th, Gaslamp Green/Wetlands Fundraiser event noon to 6pm, hosting an arts and craft table. Come on down for 30 minutes to help out with some guerilla art.

Camp fire Benefit Auction Saturday September 25th

We are going on vacation in September so the next meeting will be October 4th (no meetings Sept 21,28) Delaney will host. This year each girl will host a meeting for approx 30 minutes. You can make your first, second and third choice from the list handed out at the first meeting. We will let you know what your topic is at the Oct 4th meeting (Delaney we will email you with your topic asap!!)

********our new room is 201 at the church, meeting time is 6:30 for now)

Meeting October 18 pumpkin carving at Emily's house 6:30pm *****Please bring carving tools if you have them********

Halloween Carnival Saturday October 23rd 4pm to 7pm
let me know if you want 4pm, 5pm or 6pm to work the table

The Potential Lunatics Halloween Concert Friday October 29th 6:30pm. (set up 6pm) come in costume, pizza served at 6pm, you can bring friends and siblings

Wasewagon money is due Saturday October 30th, $65.00

Hope you had an awesome summer!!! Yay for our 5th year together!!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

camp shiwaka

Camp is from 9am to 3:30 Monday through Wednesday
Sack lunch Monday

Thursday 2pm to Friday 10:00 am
Bring pj's, flashlight, sleeping bag, tooth brush and paste, washcloth, soap for face, clean clothes for Friday.

You can bring your vest for the ceremonial fire on Thursday night, don't forget a jacket, it gets cold at night!

White t-shirt for tie dying on Monday

thanks to everyone who came out for the Camp Fire 100 year Centennial Celebration!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

day camp meeting

Sunday August 8th 2pm my house (7140 Killdee street, 90808)

Please have a ditty bag and sit up for camp (purchase at the council)

Sack lunch Monday

Please bring 20 dollars cash on sunday for the food for the week.