Monday, October 26, 2009

pumpkin party

we love our pumpkin party! thanks dori, danica and your whole family for a wonderful event!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Halloween Carnival 2009

thank you everyone, we had a great day at the carnival!!

Next meeting is the pumpkin carving at Dori and Danica's! Bring a pumpkin to carve and some tools, dress for a mess! Starts at 4:30 ends at 6:00, get there when you can and have fun!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Dues due

$60.00 dues due next meeting, please make your check out to "Camp Fire USA"


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Neighborhood Associations

Our first Neighborhood Association get together will be Wednesday October 28th, 6:30pm to 8pm held at Grace First Church, fellowship hall.

"Game Night" is the activity, a dessert bar will be set up for us. Please bring one dessert item (cookies, brownies or other easily held, not too messy items) to share with everyone.

There will be a communal game of Bunko (sp???sorry!!) with kids rotating through stations, parents are welcome to play, siblings and friends welcome. This is a fun event only, just enjoy yourselves!!

Our Neighborhood Association is designed to help bring our local groups together. It will be great to know members of other camp fire groups, especially those who live close to us. I am working on spreading the word to other leaders about attending the wetlands cleanups with us, more kids = more fun for us!!

Let me know if you can attend this event, i need a head count soon.


Monday, October 12, 2009

Los Cerritos Wetlands

I will be attending the habitat restoration at Los Cerritos Wetlands on November 7th from 10am to noon. Join me or you can drop your kid off, i will have emily and lizzie. The more the merrier, bring family and friends to share in the restoration of this wonderful oasis here in the city. spread the word!


drama meeting

everyone who attended tonights meeting earned a green creativity bead.
thanks to katie and christine who organized tonights meeting, everyone did an excellent job! you girls are amazing!
next meeting, emily will be in charge and then the halloween carnival is saturday october 24th. don't forget to dress up for the carnival and contact jean if you know what shift you want to work (between 4 and 7pm)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

up coming events, volunteers needed

we need a volunteer parent to sign us up for the halloween carnival at the council (saturday oct 10 is the deadline) the same parent needs to make a sign up sheet for the kids to sign up for one hour shifts from 4pm to 7pm and pass it around at the next meeting.

the booth this year will be a "cupcake walk" we need something to play music on, music, halloween decorations and parents who can help at the booth with the kids. i will be there the entire time, but i will have my new group attending as well (we wont have a booth but i need to supervise a bit) any and all suggestions are welcome!

christmas party: is there anyone interested in hosting the christmas party if dori is unavailable? it would be either the first or second december monday meeting.

our kiniya project is the wetlands, jessica sutter is currently the service project chair if anyone has any other service projects they would like to schedule and run in the near future (for us all to attend) please contact her. we have been hoping for an spca visit if anyone has a connection!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009