Friday, August 22, 2008

duck pond task force

i attended a meeting last night with the "lakes,ponds and wetlands taskforce" (this was organized by gerrie schipske, remember we were asked to help with this after the girls wrote letters to her regarding the los cerritos wetlands). we discussed future projects and came up with two events:

1. Good Neighbor Day Sept 21st Sunday (at the island of grass adjacent to the eldorado library and recreation center, on studebaker) 10am to 3pm

we will have a table set up with the same "do not feed the ducks" info/poster drawing we had at the earth day event we hosted in april. we will have the kids make posters and something different this time is having the kids sign up for "duck patrol" which will be saturdays and/or sundays in october and november (we have to see how many kids sign up to see how long we can run it). each kid will get a "duck button" (remember my button machine?) our girls will help run this table and we will help on the weekend duck patrols. we are going to ask other camp fire groups to help us as well as the boy scouts (maybe some girl scouts too?)

2. "Do not feed the ducks" poster contest for long beach unified school district, 5th district. i am working with the taskforce to set this up, there wont be much involvement for the girls, other than promoting this at school with friends once the contest starts, sometime in october or november at the latest. the winning poster will be on the official sign(s) displayed at the el dorado duck pond. there might be more than one winner and more than one sign (in other lakes/ponds throughout long beach parks) exciting! i am hoping to use some of the posters to make bookmarks for local libraries.

i need volunteers for the good neighbor event, even 30 minutes at the table will help. this will be funner than the earth day, there are more activites for kids this time. we will be set up from about 10am to 3pm, i will send out emails to other camp fire groups for help and the boy scouts will be there too. siblings and friends are welcome to hang out and help us. spread the word!

fall is going to be busy! don't forget the parent meeting (last post)

see everyone soon!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

fall parent meeting

hello there!

we will be having a fall parent meeting on monday september 22nd, no kids please.

i just attended the adventure level training and have learned more about what to expect this year. the girls will become more involved in earning patches and beads, recording things in their workbooks as we go along. there is a "bead" book they will need to purchase and keep along with the "trail seeker" record book. at the parent meeting i will give everyone a handout that explains what they will be earning, the adventure level is more straightforward than the starflight level (which frankly confused me a lot of the time). i am super excited to work closer with the girls on the lessons and meetings, there will be more responsibilities given to them this year.

as most of you know, kathleen and isabella are moving to oceanside this month. i am hoping isabella will be able to continue meeting with us during the year and attend camp wintaka and camp shiwaka next summer. there are many activities during the year she can still attend so hopefully we will get to see her and kathleen often. lets all keep in touch with them and keep them up to date on all our camp fire activities.

with kathleen leaving, i will have to make some changes and ask more parents for help. i have learned a lot about being the leader of our group these past two years and have depended heavily on kathleen for advice and support. i dont intend on letting her get away from me entirely, but everyone will need to be more available if we want to keep things running smoothly. as usual, my goal is to have fun and keep camp fire a positive experience for everyone.

at the parent meeting i will go over a few ideas i have to share the workload a bit more, i dont think anyone will find it grueling or much different from the past. something new this year will be having each girl plan and run a portion of one meeting on a topic that interests her. we might have the girls pair up for this. it wont be scary like an oral report (those scared me to death as a kid) it will be just for fun and help them with leadership skills as well as help me out a bit.

earning beads will be a new thing this year as well, the girls will have an opportunity to earn beads on their own and log their progress in their workbooks. in the past the workbooks were not a high priority, now that the girls are reading, we will be able to use the workbook at meetings so make sure they bring them regularly.

a few dates to mark on your calendars:

monday sept 22nd parent meeting at the church 6:30pm (not 6:00!!)
no kids please, bring dues check if you havent paid yet

wednesday sept 24th recruitment meeting at cubberley, time tba (most likely 6pm)
cubberley cafeteria, just like last year
wear your vests, siblings are welcome

monday sept 29th first meeting at the church
bring workbooks

this year we will be more focused on indian themes, we will pick a new indian name for our group.

check back here regularly for any changes, i am hoping this parent meeting date will not conflict with anyone. please let me know if you cannot attend, i really need everyone to be there. thanks!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

camp shiwaka, day 2

mock tacos, fish prints, "goblin seeing" necklaces...

Monday, August 11, 2008

canp shiwaka, day one

here we are again! the hip hop hippos (our camp name for the week)

the theme is "where the wild things are"

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


daycamp: 9am to 3pm mon-wed, 2pm thursday (sleep over) pick up friday 10:00am

monday: bring a sack lunch. we will be cooking the rest of the week.

see you sunday at the meeting 3-4pm my house

i am working on the food lists, since we will be cooking more this summer, i will purchase all the dry ingredients for the week. it will be a lot easier to purchase and stock the ice chests this year. volunteers needed, let me know at the day camp meeting if you can help out. thanks!

Friday, August 1, 2008

day camp meeting

Day camp meeting at my house (not at the church)

Sunday August 10th 3pm to 4 or 4:30pm

Bring a white t-shirt to decorate.

Remember everyone needs a ditty bag (you can sew your kit at the meeting if you havent done it yet), a "sit upon", one refillable water botter to be kept at camp for the entire week, one set of plastic dishes.

I need three volunteer moms (or dads) to shop for food and bring a full ice chest on tuesday, wednesday and thursday. (three volunteers = one day each, just like last year) i will have food lists at the meeting.

Let me know who can volunteer during the week and which days you want. who can spend the night on thursday?

We need at least one, maybe two large drink holders (something that will stay cold and we can make punch or lemonade in for our water station), we can just borrow it for the week.

Dont forget to wear sunscreen, hats are ok, no flip flops or sandals at camp please.

No cell phones (kids, adults ok), toys, candy, gum... lets try and rough it!


more info to come at the meeting.

